
Startup Grind深圳:如何低成本颠覆传统行业,影视行业连续创业者Laurence Von Thomas的经验讲座

Sun, 13 Oct 2019 14:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 13 Oct 2019 18:00:00 GMT+08
Startup Grind创业磨坊深圳


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    一个长居于伦敦和美国的电影制作&摄影行业的连续创业者,Laurence Von Thomas,在2019年来到深圳。他想做什么呢?

    Laurence Von Thomas has lived in Belgium, the UK, and the US for many years as a serial entrepreneur in film production and photography. In 2019 he moved to Shenzhen. What is he up to?  

    传统的35mm 模拟相机(analog camera)价格高昂,操作复杂,但却拥有精致的成片效果。随着数字相机技术的迅速更替,越来越多人选择了便捷实惠的数码相机(digital camera),而忘记了模拟相机带来的复古而沉静的美。

    The traditional 35mm analog camere is very expensive, complex to operate, yet yields accurate and delicate photos. Along with the rapid replacement of the digital camera, more and more people have chosen the cost-effective way of taking pictures, forgetting the beauty and vintage brought by analog cameras. 


    直到2017年,有着十多年电影和摄影领域从业经验的连续创业者Laurence Von Thomas,创办了Reflex。他相信利用现代科技提供的便利和资源,一种结合了数码相机和模拟相机的新一代摄影设备将会诞生,并且被大众消费者所拥有。然而他刚刚成立就遭到传统相机巨头的集体打压,没有人相信市场还能容下一家相机设备硬件创业公司。

    Reflex was founded in 2017 by Laurence Von Thomas, a serial entrepreneur with more than a decade of experience in film and photography. He believes that with the convenience and resources provided by modern technology, a new generation of photographic equipment that combines digital and analog cameras will be born and be owned by the general public. But he was beaten down by the traditional camera giants, and no one believed there was room for a camera hardware startup.

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    在本次分享会上,Laurence围绕“进步的五个支柱”(five pillars of progress)为主题,详细的介绍自己如何通过在线学习和资源、快速原型制作、众筹、数字营销和社群、全球市场、以及开源创客,成功完成了一次低成本对传统行业颠覆的跃进。

    At this experience talk, Laurence will share around his "five pillars of progress" as the main theme, to demonstrate how one can through online learning and resource, rapid prototyping, the crowdfunding, digital marketing and community, the global market, as well as open source makers, to disrupt a traditional industry on budget.



    Currently, Laurence is in Shenzhen to create the prototype of Reflex, which will be exhibited in a New York photography exhibition in October. And the company is in seed funding. 





    On Sunday afternoon, October 13, Startup Grind Shenzhen will explore Laurence's multifaceted outlook towards entrepreneurship in different countries, and how he overcomes the challenges setting up a new business in Shenzhen. 

    活动安排 | Agenda

    2:00PM - 2:30PM 签到 Check in and Welcome

    2:30PM - 2:45PM 开场介绍 Opening Intro by Startup Grind

    2:45PM - 3:25PM 主题讲座 Experience Talk by Laurence Von Thomas

    3:25PM - 3:45PM 观众问答 Q&A

    3:45PM - 5:00PM 合影、自由交流 Group photo, networking

    关于嘉宾 | About Speaker

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    Laurence Von Thomas

    Founder of Reflex

    劳伦斯·冯·托马斯(Laurence Von Thomas)是一位有电影制作背景的连续创业者及摄影师。在早期年轻阶段,他与一些大学朋友共同创办了一家小型电影制作公司——Jollywood,主要专注于虚构短片和独立音乐视频。2007年当 YouTube 和 Vimeo 刚出现时,他成立了第一个在线音乐视频平台 Videology,这是首个关于音乐视频的通过社交媒体账号连接的社区。之后他成立了If You Leave,一个在线画廊和摄影社区,迅速发展成为一个主要的摄影平台,拥有超过75万的活跃Instagram、Tumblr 和 Facebook 三大平台的粉丝。这一关键成功所带来的商业模式,促使其创办了Arthur-Frank出版公司。四本书和两本杂志紧随其后,很快成为美国畅销书独立的摄影节。

    Laurence Von Thomas is a serial entrepreneur with a background in film making and photography. In the early naughties, with some college friends, he co-founded a small film production company called Jollywood, it was mainly focussed on short fiction and indie music videos. In 2007 when both YouTube and Vimeo where fresh, he set up the first ever online music-video platform called Videology, very first platform to register and connect login and community through social media accounts. From that he went on to found If You Leave, an online gallery and photography community that quickly grew to become one of the predominant photography platforms with over 750k active followers across three major platforms on IG, Tumblr and FB. The business model created around this critical succes came in form af a publishing house called Arthur-Frank. Four books and two magazines followed, quickly becoming best sellers in the independent photography section.



    2017年,在明确得知传统相机制造商无意继续生产模拟相机,而模拟相机在民间大众中正发生显著复兴时,他开始设计一款模拟35mm单反相机。目前这个项目叫做 Reflex,它的Kickstarter页面是:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/reflexcamera/reflex-bringing-back-the-analogueslr-camera/description

    In 2017 he started designing an analog 35mm SLR camera after it had become clear that none of the traditional camera manufacturers would continue production while a noticeable resurgence in analog photography was happening.

    This current project is called Reflex: 




    Laurence has lived, studied and worked in Belgium, UK, USA and most recently has moved to Shenzhen to follow production of the first Reflex camera.

    活动信息 | Event Info


    When: Oct 13 (Sun), 2019, 2PM-5PM

    地点:OnePiece Work 深圳市软件产业园4栋B座1楼

    Where:  OnePiece Work 1F, Block B, Building 4, Nanshan Software Industrial Park, Shenzhen


    Language: English

    费用:早鸟票15元 | 晚鸟票25元 均含茶歇

    Fee: Early Bird 15RMB | Late Bird 25RMB F&B all included. 

    主办方 | Organizer 

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    特约合作 | Special Partnership

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    战略及社区合作 | Partnerships



    Google AdWords深圳体验中心





    Grace Zhang, Shenzhen Chapter Director


    Live, Laugh, Love.

    张耕(Grace)是一名活跃在深港科创社区推动者。她致力于联系志趣相同的小伙伴,推动企业家精神以及创造一些什么。中戏电影制片本科、美国Indiana University Bloomington媒介管理硕士毕业,曾任芝加哥双语科技记者,全职为深圳能源市场策划和品牌管理。在业余时间,她组织创业、互联网、IT相关活动,关注内容创业,并加入了一档博客节目 China Business Cast

    Email:geng@startupgrind.com 微信:27246054 (注明身份,来自活动行)

    Grace is an active participant in the Shenzhen-HK startup community. She contributes to the community by connecting like-minded people, promoting entreprenuerial values and doing her best to make something happen. She was once a film student in Beijing and the U.S., Chicago-based biligual tech reporter and now a marketing specialist at Shenzhen Energy. In her spare time, she organizes IT, Internet and startup related events, highly passioante about content product and has joined a podcast team called China Business CastPlease contact her at geng@startupgrind.com or add her on wechat: 27246054



    Google is committed to empowering entrepreneurs around the world through programs, partnerships, and our products.


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    关于Startup Grind

    Startup Grind是一个全球性的科技创业社区,由谷歌供能,致力于帮助企业家们相互学习、相互启发和资源交换。我们在超过200个城市,85个国家举办活动,每个月我们都会邀请到当地的企业创始人、创新者、教育者和投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创建公司的道路上所得到的经验和教训。 

    我们每月的炉边访谈、社交活动和年度会议都为大家提供了充足的机会,将那些优秀的初创公司和推动这些公司发展的人们联系在一起,开拓强大的支持网络,建成有意义的关系网和获得未来创业之路的灵感,访谈将通过社交媒体传播到世界各地创业者作为参考。想要了解更多信息,请访问 www.startupgrind.com  或者扫描以下二维码在微信上关注我们(微信号Startupgrind)


    What is Startup Grind?

    Startup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. We host monthly events in more than 400 cities and 120 countries featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share personal stories and lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Our monthly fireside chat interviews, startup mixers and annual conferences provide ample opportunities to connect with amazing startups and the people behind them, tap into a strong support network, form meaningful connections and gain inspiration for the startup journey ahead. For more information visit StartupGrind.com or follow us on twitter @StartupGrind.

    Filming on Premises

    作为宣传需求,您在活动中的图片、音频或视频有可能被全部或部分无偿采用为Startup Grind的宣传材料,如果您对此有异议,请于工作人员联系,我们会及时移除您存在异议的部分(邮件:geng@startupgrind.com)

    For promotional purposes, the photos, voices or videos that contain your presence may be used voluntarily as Startup Grind's marketing materials without compensation. If you don't agree with our uses, please contact our staff for removing materials in question. (Email: geng@startupgrind.com)



    Part of our Past Speakers:


    In Shenzhen:

    Laurent Le Pen,第一个在Kickstarter上筹集到1百万美元的深圳地区创业者

    Laurent Le Pen, first Shenzhener who raised 1 million on his kickstarter project omate.com

    Allison Baum, HK director of General Assembly

    Cyril Ebersweiler, (全球最大智能硬件孵化器HAXLR8R Network,SOSventure创始人)

    Cyril Ebersweiler (AXLR8R Network, SOSventures)

    Martin Li,Uber的环球开启者. Dexter Lu, 快递打车CEO

    Martin Li, Globale Launcher of Uber. Dexter Lu, CEO of Kuaididache (快的打车, Biggest car calling app company in China)


    Lie Guo, founder of FaceQ , the hottest cartoon headshot app.





    CEO of Seeed Studio,柴火创客空间和深圳Maker Faire




    Co-Founder of Linkedin, GreyLock Partners , investor of facebook.

    投资过Airbnb,Facebook, Foursquare, Jawbone, Coinbase, Pinterest, and Zulily

    Invested in  Airbnb, Facebook, Foursquare, Jawbone, Coinbase, Pinterest, and Zulily

    全球第一孵化器Y Combinator合伙人







    “One might think of it as an entrepreneurial Elk’s Club or a national, self-sustaining of local affiliate networks … a la Fight Club.”


    “Aimed at creating relationships among entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, angel investors, incubators or just people looking for good ideas.”



    - 进入官网查看更多See more at: http://startupgrind.com/shenzhen

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    Startup Grind创业磨坊深圳

    创业磨坊 (www.startupgrind.com)是一个全球性的旨在教育,激励,和链接企业家们的社区,本机构为谷歌的官方合作伙伴。我们每个月在全世界120个国家600个城市组织活动,采访本地的企业创始人,创新者,教育者及投资人,他们会和本地的创业社区分享他们的个人旅程以及建造伟大公司路上的经验教训。

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