
[Free Workshop] How To Develop IoT Applications 手把手教你如何开发IoT App

2017年10月24日 19:00 ~ 2017年10月24日 21:00




    Le Wagon Coding Station 

    x  Ruff

    Ruff & LW.png

    By  2020 each person in this planet will be owning at least 19 connected  devices. Internet of Things, a.k.a IoT can be rightly called the Fourth  Industrial Revolution of this century which will empower everyday  things, ranging from home  appliances to cloud applications software and servers to interact with  each other for smarter living.

    到2020年,这个星球上的每个人将拥有至少19个连接的设备。 物联网, IoT可以说是名副其实地称为本世纪的第四次工业革命。它将为日常生活提供动力,从家用电器到云应用软件和服务器互相交流,实现更智能的生活。

    The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has enterprises wondering how  easy it is to build their own IoT applications to take advantage of it,  and the best way to go about IoT app development. The good news is that  IoT app developmennt is easier than you may imagine, thanks to  ready-to-use IoT platforms.

    物联网(IoT)的发展让企业想知道如何轻松地构建自己的IoT应用程序来利用它,也是开展IoT应用程序开发的最佳方式。 好消息是,多亏了IoT平台,IoT应用程序开发比你想象的更容易。


    Let why Le Wagon, together with Ruff  is bringing this workshop for you who would like to learn more about  Internet Of Things Application Developmet. Ruff has built a Operation  System, which supports JavaScript for development of IoT applications to  make IoT applications easier. In this workshop, CTO of Ruff will walk you through things you will learn about on developing a IOT application from sracth.

    这便是为什么Le Wagon与Ruff一起为对如何开发物联网软件感兴趣的你们带来了这场讲座。Ruff是一家建立了支持JavaScript开发IoT应用程序的操作系统的公司。 它使IoT应用程序更加轻松。 在这个研讨会上,Ruff的首席技术官将教你如何从零开始开发IOT应用程序。

    This unique event is free




    Tianwei Jing, CMO of Ruff

    Tianwei Jing, was elected as one of 30 disrupters of Forbes’ 30 Under 30.

     He  is both the guest lecturer at School of softwareengineering of Fudan  University and CEIBS. In 2013, he joined Lebo venturecapital, and  successfully led the first round captial investment of Yihang Drone,  Xiaonirobots, Linggan technology and among other enterprises.



    He  joined Ruff as Vice President of Marketing In 2016. He iscommitted to  reduce the difficulty of the development and application distribution of  the internet, and help users take advantage of the Internet technology  to achieve more.

     2016年加入物联网操作系统创业公司 Ruff,出任市场副总裁。致力于降低物联网开发及应用分发难度,帮助用户利用物联网技术获取更高的价值。

    What You Will Learn

    IoT Application Development
    Modern Software Engineering tools

    Develop a IoT light step by step!

    手把手教你一步步开发 IoT 应用


    Tuesday, 24th Oct., 2017

    19:00 to 21:00 PM


    5F Overseas Chinese Mansion, 129 West Yan’an Rd (by North Urumuqi Rd)  
    上海市静安区延安西路129号华侨大厦5F (乌鲁木齐北路口)  
    Metro: Exit 5, JingAn Temple Station (Line 2/7)


    Note: a basic understanding of JavaScript is required for the workshop

    About Ruff


    Ruff  is a IoT OS which supports JavaScript apps to provide developers with  an open, efficient, and agile IoT development platform, and makes IoT  development easier.  Ruff unique selling point lies in the following  areas: IoT application development instead of feature development, specialization of Labor and modern software engineering tools. Ruff provide and supports hardware abstraction layer, modern productivity tools, Application Registry/Repository and test frameworks. If you are a software developer, a hardware solution partner, or a business decision maker, you probaly will benefit from their services.

       About Le Wagon

    Le Wagon.png

    Le Wagon is ranked as No.1 coding bootcamp worldwide

    Le  Wagon, a global network of tech professionals founded in 2013 active in  12 countries. We run an intensive training program that brings technical skills to creative entrepreneurs. They learn to code, the startup way!

    Le Wagon is operating in Shanghai and Chengdu since 2016. We welcome wicked-smart individuals at beginner level. Our graduates use their new tech skills and have a track-record in founding successful startups, or becoming product managers, front/back-end developersfreelancers and much more. There are so many opportunities out there.

    Why Learn To Code With Us

    We  have taught 100 batches (that's more than 2000 students!) and our  program has evolved each time to reach perfection. It is our  longstanding experience that makes our program so efficient. You will learn in 2 months what you would have learned in 2 years on your own:


    • Perfect developer set-up 完美的开发人员设置

    • Software engineering and database architecture 软件工程和数据库架构

    • Collaboration on Github 基于Github的合作

    • Technical workflow used in the most successful startups 在最成功的创业中所使用的技术工作流程

    Want to build your own product in 2018?

    ???? ???? ????

    Application for the next batch is NOW open

    Next intake: 26 Feb 2018 → 27 Apr 2018

    Contact via 18512178868 for further information.

    想在2018年创造自己的产品吗? 我们下一期的编训营的报名申请已经开放了哦。 提前申请可以享受10% 的优惠折扣。 更多问题麻烦联系18512178868。




    • jim


    • Rina Lin


    • windst


    • Jintao


    • Chengyi


    • Ivy








    ​ 上海沃耕 Le Wagon Shanghai coding station

    ​ 上海沃耕 Le Wagon Shanghai coding station

    Le Wagon 是一个为创新型人才和企业家提供的编码培训机构。我们提供的主要项目是一个为期九周的全栈式编程集训营,专为初学者和想继续在编程方面深造,尤其是想要改变自己的思维方式的学习者而设计。9 个集训周。360个小时的代码学习。



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