
TEDxXiguanLive 2018 | 直播 TED 大会

Sun, 29 Apr 2018 13:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 29 Apr 2018 19:00:00 GMT+08


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    To attend a TED Conference, you not only need to travel to Vancouver but you also need to pay a fortune for admission. Yes, you can watch TED Talks online, but watching online will never make you feel the buzz of attending the event itself. Not to mention, many of the talks will not be published until long after this buzz has gently hushed. 

    That’s why we’ve decided to once again organize TEDxXiguanLive. We want to bring you these great ideas in their original and immediate form. Ideas worth spreading with open-minded friends, snacks and drinks, could there be a better party?! 

    我们都知道,参加一场 TED 大会不仅要去到温哥华,而且价格不菲。在网上虽然可以观看 TED Talk 视频,但是在网上观看无法让你体会到真正参与 TED 大会的感受,许多演讲也最终不会放到 TED 官网上。我们希望将这些最新的思想,以最原本的形态带到观众的面前。因此我们决定再次举办 TEDxXiguanLive 活动,播放 2018 年 TED 大会精选的两个部分(Session)。激动人心的想法加上志同道合的朋友,再加上小吃和酒水,还有比这更好的派对吗?!

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    Date: Sunday, 29th Apr 2018

    Time: 13:00-19:00

    Address: linked@work | 6/F, Jiadu International Building, Tianhe Software Park, 50 Jianzhong Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

    Only 100 seats available



    地址:联我创意精英社区 · 广州天河区建中路50号天河软件园佳都国际大厦6楼


    * For our exclusive event, we will live stream 2 carefully selected sessions directly from the TED stage

    * Live streams will be in English and without subtitles

    * TEDxXiguan is a non-profit organization authorized by TED. Admission fees go directly towards the occasion and will help secure future events

    * 活动主要为观影形式,从 TED 大会直播,视频语言为英文,无字幕。

    * TEDxXiguan 是由 TED 授权,在本地举办的非营利活动。你的票款将帮助我们继续运营活动,并在现场为大家提供小吃和饮料。

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    Sign up now! The first 30 attendees will enjoy promotional tickets. Only 100 seats available.


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    Each year, one event attracts the world - the TED Conference. Over a single week, nearly 100 speakers, arguably the most forward thinkers and doers of our time, take to the stage to give a talk of a lifetime. TEDxXiguan eagerly brings this event to our community for the third time. Don’t miss it.

    In the welcome letter of the TED Conference brochure, TEDs curator Chris Anderson writes:

    “The world right now is more than a little bit crazy, and more than a little bit scary. It is also unquestionably amazing - and likely to get more so. Our task this week is to distinguish ‘good amazing’ from ‘bad amazing’. To figure out together how we can turbocharge the first, and fight the second.”

    每年有一场让所有思维前卫的世界公民都心之向往的活动,那就是 TED 大会。在一周的时间里,将近一百位可以说代表着人类思想和行动前沿的讲者轮番登上 TED 讲台,在严格控制的18分钟时间里,给出他们人生中最重要的一场演讲。今年 TEDxXiguan 第三次将这一盛会带到我们的社区。

    在今年的 TED 大会场刊开头处,TED 的策展人 Chris Anderson 写道:“如今的世界难以用‘有些疯狂’来形容,也令人不是‘一点点的恐慌’。同时也毋庸置疑地充满了惊喜——这样的惊喜还会越来越多。"



    TED 2018 is themed, The Age of Amazement, it’s an exclamation towards the world we live in today. The progress of technology and humanity outpaces everybody’s imagination. Yet, on the other hand, the past year has been terrifying for a lot of people - is there more hatred and less trust? Are we moving towards a better future, or are we dismantling the very foundations of a supposedly modern civilization? In this age, amazement, in its various forms, is everywhere. Black, white, gray, how do we distinguish the good from the bad?

    今年 TED 的主题是 The Age of Amazement,表达的是对我们所在的时代的一种惊叹。一方面科技的发展、人类的进步让每一个人都应接不暇;而另一方面过去的这一年让不少人都心生恐惧,我们是不是在越来越恨彼此,信任是否越来越少。我们到底是在走向一个更好的未来,还是开始了对文明的终结?这个时代充满了惊讶,但是好的和不好的混杂在一起,难以分辨。

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    This year, speakers range from an artist to a scientist, a game designer to an investor, an architect to a rock climber. This diverse lineup nods to what we have come to expect of TED and yet still manages to amaze.


    Come and join us now!


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